2022/2023 Donations
In Memory of...
Big Red, from Pamela Sturt
Colette Mitchell, from Angie & Joe Casey, Barbara Pizza, Brenda Hoeffs, the Cookie Gals, Emily Scott, Jane C. Rose, Janis Rudolph, Katie Cook, Rosemary & Colin Von-Zwehl, Sandra Snider, Victoria Englishman
Choclits, from John Aramian and Joey Saltalamacchia
Crosby Pechet in memory of our oldest Bergenfield furry friend from Debbie and Dwayne Pechet
Charcoal Grey (aka Pretty Girl, Spitfire, The Greyest) With Love, Omi and Chris
Elena Gregory, from Elena Gregory's Arms Wide Open Foundation and Community Foundation of NJ
Foxy, from Barbara & Charles Gorga
Ginny Smith, from Janis Rudolph, Joann Kurdock, Katie Cook, Maura Kelly, Roger Smith
Honey, from Diane Foley, Christina & Christopher Ling, David Lobel, Eileen Romano, Frances Cohn, Gayle Fine, Jenn Russo, Kandi Chon, Laura Seip, Laurie Molina, Marc & Ali & Emma Appel, Maureen Mulvihill, Phyl Monroe, Rosemary Castro
Jet, Love, Toulouse and Boise
Maria Saltalamacchia, from Carol Gebhardt, Carolyn Burton, Chris Shoolis, Diane Foley, Jill Krapels, Eileen Romano, Ellen Simon, Frances Cohn, Gail Sutton, Katie Cook, Marcia O'Connor, Marie Ellen Larcada Smith, Michael and Laurie Ostrow, Odalys Zaldivar, Phyl Monroe, Teri Beck
Michael Di Dolci, from Karen Di Dolci
Mildred Krapels, from Balda Saalfrank, Carol Schultz, Center for Amulatory Surgery, Chastity Boucher, Debra Tufel, Domenick Ghione, Ellen Harnett, Federal Salesmens Mutual Association, Frances Urban, Gail Sutton, Glenn & Patricia Krapels, Jim Oettinger, Joanne Kyle, John Kievit, Katie Cook, Liam Foley, Linda Green, Lori Wolfson, Margaret Gartner, Margaret Loughlin, Mary Ellen Hershey, Nancy Ihle, Neglia Engineering Associates, Noreen Hauck, Patricia Jones, Paul Haberman, Pauline Reilly, Peter McDonagh, Phyllis Marshall, Richard Cancro, Rodney & Marilyn Hara, Shirley Parrello, Stephanie Mattila, Val Buchtmann, William & Candace Sposa
Michael Montelione, from the Downey Family
Morgan, from Linda Verrilli
Pearl Wasserman the Chihuahua, from Kimberly Domke and 32 caring friends
Poppy Jackson Meyer, from Mimi Bookstaver
Rita Ruggiero, from the Cliffside Park Education Association
Rosalyn Lobel, from Patricia Pindar and Patrick Shelley
Sophie, from Frances Cohn
Thaddeus John Komorowski, from Bob Furmanek & 3-D Film Archive, Catherine & Kirk Crossley, and
Linda Kelley
Donation made in memory of our oldest Bergenfield furry friend Crosby Pechet.
Debbie and Dwayne Pechet
15 Rector Court, Bergenfield NJ 07621
In Honor of...
Cookie, from Angela Banta
Leo Vignola, from Patricia Vignola
Leslie McPherson, from Valerie Piatkowski
Turkey Girl, Bandit, Kodak, Grayberry, from Pamela Stuart
Tux, from Amber Ellis